I'm not generally big on stuff that sounds reliant on pedalboards to be awesome, but that type of wankery becomes acceptable in the right circumstances. Considering Envy have been playing screamo since I was in grammar school, it seems they should probably get a pass and be allowed to do whatever they want. Thankfully, what they want is to make really beautiful soundscapes and then shit screams and raging beats all over them. I missed them last month, then slept on this out of spite. Now that I have it, I've listened to it every day for the last four days and can say this album RULES. There's one song that I forgot the name of that could maybe have been omitted due to it being a small brown bike/hot water music ripoff with screaming, but even that one will probably grow on me. The production sounds amazing, the musicianship top-of-the-line, and through it all it is among their most fully conceived works. It sounds like the last couple Envy records tonally speaking, but they only grow better at composition and arrangement and it shows. This is good enough that I might even forgive them for that shit with Thursday. Maybe.
So here it is, Envy - Recitation (2010)
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