Sunday, December 12, 2010

One short and one long

I was in high school when Against Me! released Reinventing Axl Rose and totally took over the whole heartfelt punk rock thing from Hot Water Music et al...I think I probably had my first smoke and maybe my first beer too at a friend's house while we'd sit around and listen to them and sing along.  They were the first band to make me understand that folk is about people and togetherness and not fingerpicking some whimsy on a nylon string guitar while singing falsetto.  The Disco Before The Breakdown is my favorite of their releases, and instead of writing out how important this record is to me in my own words I'm going to steal a few lines from Stevie Pat Morrissey's immortal song about immortal songs, Rubber Ring.

Don't forget the songs that made you cry
And the songs that saved your life
Yes you're older now and you're a clever swine
But they were the only ones who ever stood by you.

The Disco Before The Breakdown

Now that the creepiest Medusa ever has the attention of all ye who came seeking darkness, here's the last full length from Thou, Summit.  I've heard the word "crushing" getting thrown around by a lot of people about this record and it must be acknowledged that Thou did indeed create a most crushing work of doom.  A very beautifully done recording, with a deep and heavy mix that allows for as much auditory suggestion from the buried riffs as actual audible melodies.  Their usage of extracurricular synth sounds seemed at first like superfluous Burzum worship, but when seen as independent movements within the song structures the parts gain a very horror-soundtrack unsettling type of vibe.  This is metal for people who like to feel dwarfed by music.

Thou - Summit

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